Cruising the Amazon, Part 2

When our boat from Santarem arrives in Manaus, Ilse gets off board to search for the connection to Tabatinga, on the border with Colombia, while I guard our luggage.
It seems that within 10′ a boat leaves. So we can manage to get just in time at board for a direct connection… Spoken from a fast service.

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Cruising the Amazon, Part 1

In Macapa, actually Santana, we hear that there is only a boat on monday, at 6pm… This gives us nearly two days in Macapa. We use the time to have some good dinners, otherwise you’re not in Brasil. I think that eating little here is a national sin.
The rest of the time we spent in our hotel room, surfing and preparing a couple of things. We also buy some locks and a spare hard drive for the long trip upstream. When we buy the boat tickets, we make the mistake to buy them in an agency instead of immediately on the boat, but we thought that it is a direct connection from Santana to Manaus…

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Manaus… in the middle of the Amazon

She covers half of the South-American continent, the Amazon river, her side rivers and the huge rainforest around it. Here live more animal species per square meter than anywhere else on the world… Except maybe in the huge metropolitan areas. The difference is that the first one are mostly different species, while the others are more or less the same.
Here we are… Manaus… Somewhere halfway the river, and another World Cup City.

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Rio de Janeiro…

The carnival is world famous, exotic samba dancers a dream, the Christ well known, Copacabana legendary and its crime rate notorious, but on a long trip through South-America Rio is a really have to be there… It is also one of the guest cities for the World Cup Soccer this year… we know that, with all the traffic jams and road works! We’ll only have a 2-day brief tasting, but that’s enough.
In comparison with Sao Paulo’s 20 million, the 6 million of Rio are peanuts… Nonetheless the vibe is unmistakable.

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Bem-vindo à casa de Nadia

Negen jaar geleden ontmoette ik Nadia en Thais in Valparaiso in Chile. Ze vroegen me een foto te nemen van hen…en we raakten aan de praat. Ik noemde haar “loca” omdat ze zomaar met iedereen ging spreken en overal voor een glimlach zorgde. Een maand later ging ik bij haar op bezoek in São Paulo en verbleef meer dan een week bij haar familie. Haar moeder heeft een reisbureau en haar vader is architect. De laatste jaren hoorden we elkaar nauwelijks vandaar dat ik wat schuchter terug contact opnam. Ik vroeg haar om onze tickets van Rio naar Manaus in te boeken. Blijkbaar staat de foto die ik haar cadeau deed 9 jaar geleden nog steeds op haar bureau. Ze vroeg of we niet bij haar thuis wilden passeren. En dat deden we…
Amai, Braziliaanse gastvrijheid…

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